
Changements fin d'année scolaire 2021/22

Chers Parents,

Voici quelques changements de fin d'année scolaire 2021/22:

ATSEEE registration form for the navette CPE during the summer holidays 2022

Dear Parents, 


ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the summer holidays 2022. The bus will drive from Monday 04.07.2022 till Thursday 01.09.2022.

ATSEEE registration form for the navette CPE during the May holidays 2022

Dear Parents, 


ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the May holidays 2022. The bus will drive from Monday 23.05.2022 till Wednesday 25.05.2022.

Enrollment for school transport 2022-2023

Dear parents,

Please be informed that enrolments for the school year 2022/2023 for the ATSEEE school buses will start on Monday, 02.05.2022 and close on Wednesday, 01.06.2022.

Transport scolaire ATSEEE pour les enfants réfugiés ukrainiens

Chers Parents,

L'ATSEEE tient à vous informer – et plus particulièrement les familles qui accueillent des familles de réfugiés ukrainiens, dont les enfants sont inscrits dans les écoles européennes de Kirchberg et de Mamer

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the Easter holidays 2022

Dear Parents, 

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the Easter holidays 2022. The bus will drive from Monday 11.04.2022 till Wednesday 13.04.2022 and from Tuesday 19.01.2022 till Friday 22.04.2022.

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the winter holidays 2022

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the winter holidays 2022. The bus will drive from Monday 14.02.2022 till Friday

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the Christmas holidays 2021

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the Christmas holidays 2021. The bus will drive from Monday 20.12.2021 till Wednesday 22.12.2021.

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the All Saint holidays 2021

Dear Parents,  

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the All Saint holidays 2021. The bus will drive from Wednesday 03.11.2021 till Monday 08.11.2021.

Tour de Luxembourg (navettes et bus ce mardi 14/9 et jeudi 16/9)

Chers Parents,


La compagnie de bus nous informe que les navettes 40N, 41N et 42N vont rouler sans aucune perturbation à cause du Tour de Luxembourg ce mardi 14/9/2021.