
Nouvelle ligne de bus (75)

Chers Parents,

L'ATSEEE vous informe qu'une nouvelle ligne (75) a été créée et desservira les villages d'Olm et Capellen.


Changement fin d'année scolaire 2023/24

Chers Parents,

L'ATSEEE tient à vous informer qu'en raison de la fin des cours du secondaire les bus scolaires seront annulés pour le retour de 16h45' pour les journées suivantes:

ATSEEE registration form for the navette CPE during the summer holidays 2024

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the summer holidays 2024. The bus will drive from Monday 08.07.2024 till Friday 30.08.2024.

Annulation des bus et navettes ce vendredi 17/10 à 16h45'

Chers parents,

Cette année, la fête du Baccalauréat aura lieu vendredi le 17 mai. A cette occasion, l’ATSEEE annule tous les bus au départ des quais de l’Ecole européenne pour les retours du soir (16h45').

General information for enrolment on ATSEEE 2024-2025

Dear parents,

ATSEEE is happy to inform you that the registration campaign for the school year 2024/2025 for the ATSEEE school buses will start on Thursday, 02.05.2024 and close on Saturday, 01.06.2024.

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the Withsun holidays 2024

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the Withsun holidays 2024.

The bus will drive from Tuesday 21/5 to Friday 24/5.

ATSEEE registration for the navette CPE during the Easter holidays 2024

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the Easter holidays 2024.

The bus will drive from Monday 25/3 to Wednesday 27/3 and from Tuesday 2/4 to Friday 5/4, 2024.

Major disruptions German border

Due to farmer's demonstrations we can expect major disruptions on our lines from Germany. 

bus 63 - 18/01 First stop Igel

Due to bad weather conditions the bus 63 will start the itinarary in Igel - Moselstrasse at 7.33


ATSEEE registration form for the navette CPE during the Winter holidays 2024

Dear Parents,

ATSEEE has the pleasure to launch applications for navette that will drive during the Winter holidays 2024.

The bus will drive from Monday February 12 to Friday February 16, 2024.